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As the largest source for affordable housing options online, our focus is to bring together Owners and Renters who are in search of the perfect affordable housing opportunities.
List your properties for free on the most visited property listing service for affordable and moderately priced rentals in the country. Free listings include online applications, waiting lists, intuitive tenant matching, affordability calculators, integrations with government programs like section 8, and more.
Find your next home on the most visited property listing service for affordable and moderately priced rentals in the Country. Free registration gives you access to all property listing information, online applications, waiting list updates, saved searches, new listing alerts, and more.
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As the largest source for affordable housing options online, our focus is to bring together Owners and Renters who are in search of the perfect affordable housing opportunities.
List your properties for free on the most visited property listing service for affordable and moderately priced rentals in the country. Free listings include online applications, waiting lists, intuitive tenant matching, affordability calculators, integrations with government programs like section 8, and more.
Find your next home on the most visited property listing service for affordable and moderately priced rentals in the Country. Free registration gives you access to all property listing information, online applications, waiting list updates, saved searches, new listing alerts, and more.
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Find and apply to rentals easily for free. Trusted by over 700 government agencies since 2005.
List your property for FreeThe Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (“Section 8”) is the largest and most successful low-income housing assistance program in the country.
Learn More About Section 8A PHA is a public agency charged with providing safe, sanitary and decent housing to the most vulnerable populations in their community at the right price.
Find a Housing AgencyDue to overwhelming demand, many waiting lists for Section 8 fill up quickly. Those waiting lists will only open for brief periods of time when they are able to accept more applicants. It's important to check for openings often.
Find Open Waiting Lists
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Eligibility is dependent on the program which you are applying for. Typically PHAs have housing programs specifically for low-income families, veterans, the disabled and elderly. Low-Income ranges are published yearly by HUD and are dependent on family size and location.
PHAs require an application be submitted to determine eligibility. In most cases, applications are added to a waiting list due to the high demand for low-income housing in many communities.
The best thing to do before you begin searching for your first apartment is budget for upfront costs, long-term costs and all the things you’ll need to buy.
Secure a move-in day before you sign the lease to book a moving van, movers and plan our packing.
Start turning your apartment into a home by making a wish list of furniture, conceptualizing the decor and thinking about where you’ll put everything
Due to the high demand for housing assistance, waiting lists are generally very long and could take years for an application to come to the top of the list. Each PHA may give an estimated wait time and/or actual placement on the list at their own discretion, and will vary depending on any waiting list preferences that a housing agency may have.
While you are waiting to reach the top of a waiting list, you can search for other open waiting lists on and sign up to receive alerts when a waiting list opens. We list open waiting lists on a wide range of affordable housing from Section 8 Vouchers and Public Housing to tax-credit housing and other affordable housing options. You may also search our nationwide database of open below-market rental units available now.
Long story short, is Yes! A basic renters insurance plan covers 3 different types of risk, which are likely to occur during your regular life. The three basic renters insurance plans cover:
A tenant has signed a lease or rental agreement with a landlord. A subtenant, on the other hand, is someone who subleases or rents all or part of the rental property from a tenant, and does not sign a lease or rental agreement with the landlord.
Savvy landlords want all occupants of a rental unit to sign a lease or rental agreement and typically prohibit subtenants without the landlord’s written consent. This gives the landlord some control over who lives in the rental unit and a legal relationship with all residents (crucial when it comes time to collecting rent or ending a tenancy)
In a few states, including California and Florida, landlords may not unreasonably withhold their consent to a subtenancy, unless they have a good business reason for doing so (for example, if a subtenant does not meet the landlord’s criteria for selecting tenants, in terms of credit history, references, and the like).