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1 bedroom available Now- First Month Rent Free
We have a 1 bedroom available for immediate move in!! A full kitchen, full bath, patio, and spacious main room make this 1 bedroom like no other! Our open floor plans will have you in love with your home so much that you’re going to want to neglect your old school dining room table to set up some bar stools. Located in Burien we are close to 405, I5, SeaTac light rail and anything else you might need. Our convenient location makes it easy to travel to nearby city parks and restaurants.
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Pet fee
Trash pickup
Lawn care /
Snow removal
Pest control
washer and dryer
Monthly estimate (including rent)
Application fee
Security deposit
Pet deposit
Pet fee
Move-in estimate
Tenant will not be required to purchase renters insurance.
Apply today and receive one month rent free if you move in before the end of the month
Add your total gross (pre-tax) household income from wages, benefits and other sources from all household members.
Housing Agency$0.00
Important: This is an estimate and may not be an accurate representation of the Housing Agency's calculation.
13018 20 Av Ne , WA 98125
Data provided by © 2025. All rights reserved.
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